Tag Archives: advert

Costa and the Chimps

Who gave the green light to the first TV ad campaign by Costa Coffee?

I can fondly remember the PG Tips ads of the 70s, featuring Chimpanzees, but I thought advertisers had realised long ago that using primates in commercials was not cool?

Clearly nobody told the people at Costa as they have dozens of them attempting to make coffee in this ‘hilarious’ ad. Is it just politically correct to think that using captive animals in TV ads is just a bit strange these days?

Banksy - I Hate Mondays

En-ger-land! En-ger-land!

Just take a look at the Evening Standard today. Do you think Currys would have wanted their ‘England’ campaign placed right next to a full page story about nationalism, the British National Party, and why voters in Dagenham are fed up of immigrants?

Currys 'England' ad